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Summer of Science Program

Summer of Science Program Image
Raised toward our $6,000 Goal
77 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on July 28, at 02:02 PM PDT
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Summer of Science Program

A summer filled with science. The University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences has launched a pilot Summer of Science program in Moscow to introduce youth ages 5 to 11 to the science behind agriculture. The college is hosting 13 programs during the summer in partnership with the Moscow Farmer's Market on a variety of topics, from entomology, animal science and plant science to nutrition, food science, water science and much more. 

Equipping future scientists. Our goal is to get children interested in science at a young age to learn more about the world around them and the importance of agriculture and natural resources. Each child that participates in the Summer of Science at the market receives a free CALS science kit that includes a magnifying glass, notebook, ruler and cinch bag so they can explore and make their own scientific observations at home. Each program features a different take home activity and other related handouts.

How you can get involved. Give today to help ensure that every child that attends the 2017 Summer of Science program will receive a free science kit! The Summer of Science program has been a great success so far and we hope to offer this program in additional locations around the state of Idaho in 2018. Your donation will help make our goals a reality.

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