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Opportunities for Women in STEM

Opportunities for Women in STEM Image
Participation Drive
16 Donors
Towards goal of 50 Donors
$870.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on October 30, at 04:28 PM PDT
Project Owners

Opportunities for Women in STEM

Women are significantly underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math, which is why the Women in Science Society was created at the University of Idaho. This club provides support, networking and other opportunities for college women studying in STEM fields. By providing women the chance to attend conferences such as those listed below, we can ensure that the next generation of engineers, scientists, technology developers, and mathematicians are diverse and equal!

In our first semester, we have recruited almost 50 active dues-paying members from across five colleges: Science, Engineering, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Education and Human Health Services. We are also hoping to have 50 supporters give to our campaign to help us fulfill our mission. You can make this possible by donating today.

There are a number of different conferences our members are interested in attending, and which a woman attends will depend on her interests, availability, and the amount of funds we are able to raise throughout the campaign. Other ways we plan to raise funds include: volunteering for the University of Idaho, applying for various grants, and contacting companies with interests similar to our own.



The Scientista Symposium in Boston, Massachusetts

  • Normal student tickets cost approximately $70/day. However, tickets which include housing cost $140/day. Travel costs are estimated to be between $900-$1000 round-trip. The featured Career Fair and potential networking opportunities from this conference would provide an invaluable experience.

United Collegiate Women's Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia (Spring)

  • A two-day ticket cost $395, and housing is approximately $200/night. Travel costs are estimated to be between $1000-$1200 round trip. This trip has two available dates for attendance, and is geared towards providing women the tools and resources to act as a leader in her community, as well as a network of colleagues and role models.


Women Lead by Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington

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