KUOI 89.3 FM is the non-commercial, student-run radio station for the University of Idaho campus. We have been operating since 1945 and want to continue broadcasting new and interesting music to our listeners. To do this, we need to replace our master control board as soon as possible. Our board has aged rapidly and although it still works, it will need to be replaced soon—something we'd like to do in the next year to ensure that we can continue to stay on the air without worrying about it breaking down.
The total cost of the project is estimated at $20,000, and Student Media has set aside several thousand to help us pay for a replacement board. This board connects to our transmitter, which allows radio to go over the airwaves, and has been in place for the last 18 years. Without this piece of equipment, our DJs can not do their shows and our airwaves would be completely run by the robot. Please help us reach our $7,500 goal to install this essential piece of equipment.
As a part of Student Media, KUOI provides hands on experience to better prepare students for the professional world and opportunities for other radio enthusiasts to connect with the Moscow community. Give now to help us put a new board in to serve KUOI in the future!