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CALS Match Day

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
144 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 27, at 07:00 PM PDT
Project Owners

A Special Video to Thank You!

May 05, 2016

Thank you for making our CALS Match Day a huge success!


We're seeing QUADRUPLE!

April 27, 2016

Holy CALS!

Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to each and every one of you!

This was our inaugural 36-hour campaign to boost support for CALS Students and we more than quadrupled our initial goal of raising $7,500 from CALS Alumni & Friends.

With the generous matching gifts from the Food Producers of Idaho, our grand total raised was $30,200!



We're setting records!!

April 27, 2016

We've just received the $7,500 match from Food Producers of Idaho!

We are now sitting at $29,775 from 137 donors! What a great show of support for CALS!

CALS Match Day ends in just under an hour--let's see if we can secure another $225 to break through $30,000!

Go Vandals!


A message from the Food Producers of Idaho

April 27, 2016


We have a little under 3 hours left in our CALS Match Day and we've already raised $21,600 from 128 donors!

The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences would also like to once again thank the Food Producers of Idaho for their generous match of $7,500 that will be added to our totals at the end of the campaign. We appreciate their support to this effort and the impact it has on CALS students.

With our match include, we are only $900 away from hitting $30,000! CAN WE DO IT?

Let’s push hard in these last hours to make our impact even stronger! Share #CALSMatchDay with friends and family on facebook and twitter.

Below is a message from the Food Producers of Idaho:

Shout-out to Northwest Farm Credit Services!

April 27, 2016

A huge shout-out to Northwest Farm Credit Services for going the extra mile during #CALSMatchDay by offering a corporate match on all gifts (up to $300) made by NWFCS employees to the CALS Excellence Fund! Way to go, NWFCS!

We've currently raised $17,190 from 102 donors! Only 13 left to reach our goal of 115 donors!

BREAKING NEWS: #CALSMatchDay has just surpassed $15,000 -- twice our original goal!

April 27, 2016

A note from Dean Parrella:

Thank you! I'm in awe of the overwhelming amount of support coming from alumni and friends of CALS. I've been on the phone thanking some of our CALS Match Day donors and now I'm joining the campaign with a gift of my own!

The day is not over yet! Let's see how far we can beat our goal to support CALS!  We also currently have 94 donors and need 21 more donors to hit our goal of 115 donors in CALS Match Day. GO VANDALS!

We're inching toward $14,000 raised for CALS Students!

April 27, 2016

What a great way to start the day! 

We currently have gifts from 92 donors and are only 23 donors away from our goal of 115 donors!

Help us reach our goal by sharing our page via email and social media using #CALSMatchDay.

We have now raised more than $11,000!

April 26, 2016

As you're thinking about dinner this evening, we wanted to share how the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is actively working in education, research, and extension outreach efforts to produce, create, and consume food and fiber in today's world.

Our faculty researchers know that a high yielding, nutritious meal starts with their research in the field. UI CALS Faculty work to ensure crops, dairy and meat products are safe and delicious. CALS Students in FCS create healthy menus and recipes in the newly renovated Carmelita Spencer Food Laboratory where they prepare to become dieticians and educators. Extension outreach efforts with Eat Smart Idaho and 4-H Food Smart Families are teaching youth and their families across Idaho how to cook and enjoy healthy foods.

Your support for the CALS Excellence Fund  through #CALSMatchDay ensures that our college's work in each area continues to cultivate great minds, healthy communities, and great food!

Are you up for an additional challenge?

April 26, 2016

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

We have now raised more than $9,000 for the CALS Excellence Fund from more than 50 donors.

Let's see if we can meet an additional challenge of getting donations from 115 donors!

Help spread the word to friends and family by sharing the CALS Match Day website via email and social media using #CALSMatchDay!

#CALSMatchDay is on FIRE!

April 26, 2016

The support of #UICALS alumni and friends has been overwhelming! We have raised over $7,500 in the first five hours of #CALSMatchDay. Match Day isn’t over though; let’s see how much more we can raise to support student scholarships!

$6,000 and counting! #CALSMatchDay

April 26, 2016


Thank you to everyone who has given to our very first CALS Match Day!

Your support means everything to our students, faculty, and staff and we couldn't be successful without you.

We still need your help by sharing the page with friend and family on your social media accounts. Use #CALSMatchDay

University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Choose a giving level


CALS Senior Gift

As a CALS graduating senior, this is your opportunity to leave your mark at the University of Idaho by making your first gift to CALS. We will even throw in an awesome CALS decal for your vehicle!


CALS Anniversary Gift

Celebrate 115 years of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Idaho with this anniversary gift level. We will even throw in a new CALS decal for your vehicle!


CALS Ambassador Gift

Show your support for CALS at the ambassador level and receive our new CALS vehicle decal and a special note from one of our CALS Ambassadors!


1901 CALS Club - GOLD Level

GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade): Show your support for CALS at this leadership level and become a member of our new 1901 CALS Club. Click HERE for more details.


1901 CALS Club Level

Show your support for CALS at this leadership level and become a member of our new 1901 CALS Club. Click HERE for more details.

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