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Argonaut Editor-in-Chief Scholarship Fund

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
84 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 19, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

Support the student journalists who lead our campus newspaper

The Argonaut has been serving the UI students, faculty and staff, as well as the Moscow community, since 1898. As an independent, student-run newspaper, the Argonaut is led by a student: the editor-in-chief.

For generations, Argonaut editors-in-chief have spent countless hours guiding and inspiring teams of their fellow student editors, reporters, photographers and designers. In recent years, the job responsibilities have expanded to match the demands of a 21st century newsroom, with a website and social media that reach thousands of readers alongside the weekly print edition.

The professional experience gained in the position has launched past editors-in-chief to incredible careers in print and broadcast journalism, public relations, nonprofit and corporate communications and beyond.

Argonaut editors-in-chief give an incredible amount of time and energy to their staff members and readers -- "majoring in Argonaut," as some of our alums like to say.  A scholarship allows them to focus on their work, helping relieve the pressure to take on another part-time job or pile up additional student loans.

Our goal of raising $10,000 will help us build an endowment that will provide a scholarship for every Argonaut editor-in-chief in the future.

Your gift to the Argonaut Editor-in-Chief Scholarship Fund ensures that editors for years to come will have the support they need.

Want to learn more about the Argonaut, the editor-in-chief's role or how we'll use your gift? Email Student Media adviser Tara Roberts at



Our way
of Thanking You


Thank you from our team

Give any amount and we'll thank you in a shout-out on The Argonaut's social media!

3 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020


Thank-you note and sticker

Give $10 or more and we'll send you a personalized thank-you note from The Argonaut staff and an Arg logo sticker

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: October 2020


Thank-you note and magnet

Give $25 or more and we'll send you a fridge magnet with the Arg logo, plus a personalized thank-you note and other Argonaut gifts.

20 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020


Thank-you note and notebook

Give $50 or more and we'll send you a mini notebook with the Argonaut logo, plus a personalized thank-you note and other Argonaut gifts.

5 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020


Thank-you note and mug

Give $100 or more and we'll send you a coffee mug with the Argonaut logo, plus a personalized thank-you note and other Argonaut gifts.

33 of 100 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020


Gold Donor Gift Package

Give $1,000 or more and we'll send you personalized card and video thank you notes from the staff, a year's subscription to the Argonaut mailed right to your door and a whole box of Argonaut logo gifts.

1 of 10 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: September 2020
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