Steer-A-Year 2024-25

Steers are available for purchase from the University of Idaho Nancy M. Cummings Research, Extension & Education Center, located just north of Salmon, Idaho.

Steer-A-Year 2024-25

The Steer-A-Year program is conducted by the Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences Department with support from the Idaho Cattle Association. Participants donate a physical steer or purchase a steer from the Nancy M. Cummings R&E Center (NMCREEC) with proceeds funding College of Agricultural and Life Sciences scholarships, beef cattle research and scholarships for Vandal student-athletes.

Donated steers are used in hands-on animal science courses and for 4-H and FFA judging contests. Student managers gain real-world experience with full responsibility in daily management of the steers.


  • Steer calves are transported in November by donors to two drop-off locations (Treasure Valley and Jerome) before being transported up to the University of Idaho Beef Center in Moscow during November and December. CALS arranges the transportation from drop-off locations to campus.
  • Steers are fed a finishing diet and growth performance is measured during this time.
  • Steers are sold when they reach market weight. CALS collects carcass data on each steer.
  • The revenue funds programs at the University of Idaho. Donors may designate how the revenue is distributed (AVS scholarship, beef industry research,   Vandal Athletics).
  • Donors are invited to an annual golf tournament and banquet in the fall. Awards are also given out for top-performing steers.


  • Over 1,600 steers have been donated since the program began in 1988
  • More than $1.1 million has been raised through this program in support of University of Idaho students and research
  • Over 400 high school and college students benefit annually from the steers through a variety of educational activities

Don't own a Steer? No problem! Click here to purchase one of our steers from NMCREEC!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Hannah Doumit, Associate Director of Development at

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