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Special thanks to Bill Messner for his $2,500 match challenge and all the donors that helped us fulfill that match!
University of Idaho architecture students plan to travel to Togo, Africa, to design a sustainable school for girls.
Recent U of I grad, Payton McGriff, founded a non-profit, S H E | Style Her Empowered. To help overcome limited access to education for rural women of Togo, S H E provides resources and mentorship so girls can attend school, learn trade skills and be successful.
S H E is currently in Notse, a semi-rural village with nearly 20,000 inhabitants located an hour north of Togo’s capital, Lome. Notse is credited as the birthplace of the Ewe people, a tribe spanning Ghana, Togo and Benin that has one of the oldest and richest cultural traditions in the West African region.
S H E has a small office in the center of Notse, but is looking to expand and build a new campus with classrooms, living accommodations for girls, and staff offices. Architecture students plan to travel to Togo in September to interact with people and learn about the cultural and physical context before spending the rest of the semester on masterplans and building designs for the sustainable school campus. But students need your help to fund their travel, so please donate whatever you can to make this trip possible.